Weeping trees are beautiful, easy to maintain and often very compact. From large statement Willows for landscaping or shade to dwarf Cherry Blossoms for kerb appeal in a small front garden, these ornamental, fruiting and flowering trees will turn heads all year round. Read about our favourite types and how to care for them here.
Danielle's nursery has been growing trees in the South Downs National Park for over a century, and it shows. Dug up and sent straight to your garden at between 18-36 months old, their quality rootstocks, expert pruning and natural pest control mean that these traditionally field-grown trees are the hardiest you can get.
These weeping ornamental trees are typically very tolerant of any soil type, with Willows thriving in damp conditions. Weeping Pears will be fine in an exposed site, whereas Silver Birch prefers full sun and shelter. Weeping Cherry Blossoms do best with good air circulation around the canopy, and all weeping trees are best with minimal or no underplanting, owing to their cascading habit. For a position with lower light, the best choice would be a shade-tolerant Crabapple.
Weeping Trees Care Tips
All ornamental weeping trees will do well in any moist, well-drained soil. New trees should be watered in well and kept from drying out until their roots are well established (in a few months). They will benefit from a mulch in Autumn, and will typically need only minimal pruning to keep their shape. For more advice on growing weeping trees, see our Full Care Guides for each variety.