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Trained Fruit Trees

Trained fruit trees often save on space, look highly attractive and can be more productive than a tree left to grow to its own devices. From columnar cordons to low-growing stepovers, and impressive espaliers to aesthetic fans, training a fruit tree is something we recommend every gardener tries at least once in their life. Plus, our growers have done the hard work establishing the initial shape for your trained tree, meaning half the battle is already won!

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South Downs National Park

Meet Danielle

110 years' expertise free with every tree

Danielle's nursery has been growing trees in the South Downs National Park for over a century, and it shows. Dug up and sent straight to your garden at between 18-36 months old, their quality rootstocks, expert pruning and natural pest control mean that these traditionally field-grown trees are the hardiest you can get.

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Which type of trained fruit is right for me?

Which type of trained fruit is right for me?

So, you’ve decided you want a trained fruit tree – great! What next? Well, it’s time to choose which one. Espaliers and fans are great choices if you have a spare wall or fence, or a bit more space to erect a freestanding wire trellis. Cordons are a good option for the space-conscious gardener who perhaps wants to try their hand at growing a couple of different fruit types. Stepovers offer a lovely, traditional way to edge your veg beds, while miniature patio fruit trees are good for exactly that – patios and sunny balconies!

We’ve done all the hard work

We’ve done all the hard work

Whichever trained fruit type you opt for, you can rest easy knowing that our growers have taken care of most of the hard work for you. Whether it be grafting your tree on the appropriate rootstock, pruning and shaping it, or growing it out in the field to thicken up its stem, your tree is going to be in the best shape possible (pun intended) when it makes its way to you.

What next?

What next?

Trained fruit trees do need a little more care and attention to keep them looking so fabulous, and many training types require specific pruning techniques to get them growing the way you want them to. Don’t worry, though, it’s all pretty straightforward stuff, and you can check out all there is to know in our espalier, fan, cordon, stepover and patio guides.

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