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Strawberry Plants

Strawberries are everyone’s favourite summer fruit - easy to grow, perfect for pots, beds or even hanging baskets and packed full of sweetness. These tough little plants last for years and fruit heavily. Forget the watery, oversized imported ones from the shops, these traditional varieties grown by our experts in the UK are the genuine article. Strawberries like they used to be!

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Meet Danielle

110 years' expertise free with every plant

You simply can’t buy better fruit plants and here’s why. Danielle grows them outdoors, just like our nursery has done since 1908, so they’re more than a match for the UK weather. Danielle only has time for the top performing varieties, meaning that you can be assured of a successful (and blooming tasty) soft fruit crop.

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Which strawberry is best for you?

Which strawberry is best for you?

If you have plenty of space, you can plant early, mid and late season strawberries which fruit in succession. The perfect combination? Honeoye, Cambridge Favourite / Elsanta and Florence. For smaller spaces we recommend the everbearing varieties that fruit for longer, such as Mara des Bois and Flamenco. For something a bit different, try raspberry flavour Framberry or the white Pineberry with its unique pineapple flavour.

Growers' tips

Growers' tips

Strawberries can be grown in pots, beds, borders, window boxes and even hanging baskets. They fruit best when positioned in full sun. If planting in beds, net the strawberries to keep birds away. Your plants will benefit from feeding with a tomato fertiliser and need to be watered regularly. Wait until the berries are fully red before picking, as they don’t ripen any more once they’re picked (this is the problem with the ones in the shops!). For more tips on choosing, planting and growing strawberry plants, read our full care guide.

Using your strawberries

Using your strawberries

Strawberries go with everything - in a fruit salad, a summer pudding, strawberry shortcake or meringue desserts; dipped in chocolate or simply served with cream. If (when) you get too many to eat, make them into a delicious jam or coulis, or add them to your juices and smoothies.

Strawberry FAQs

When should I plant strawberry plants?

Bare root strawberries need to be planted between November and March, on a day when the ground isn’t frozen or waterlogged. Alpine varieties can be planted year-round, and potted strawberry plants from late spring to early summer.

Where should I plant strawberries?

Strawberry plants can deal with a little light shade, but they’ll do best in a sunny spot with rich, well drained soil. Patio pots, window boxes or hanging baskets are also a good option, as they keep the plants off the ground and away from slugs.

How do I prepare the soil for planting?

If you’re planting your strawberries in the ground, mix in plenty of compost or well rotted manure first. Strawberries prefer a slightly acidic to neutral soil (pH 5.5-7.0) but most garden soils are fine.

What spacing is required for planting?

Space your strawberry plants about 30-45cm apart, to allow for spreading. If you’re planting them in rows, leave about 60cm between the rows.

How do I plant strawberry plants?

To plant your strawberries, dig a hole large enough for the roots, then place your plant in the centre of the hole with the crown (the part of the plant where the roots meet the stems) at soil level. Fill in with soil, firm the plant in gently and give it some water to settle the roots. For more advice, see our growers’ guide to planting.

How do I care for strawberry plants?

Water your plants at the base to avoid getting the leaves and fruit wet, keeping the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Your strawberries will appreciate a layer of mulch around them - straw is traditional - to keep the fruit off the soil and deter slugs. Feed your plants with a general purpose fertiliser in early spring and again after the first harvest.

When and how should I harvest strawberries?

Strawberries are usually harvested from June onwards. They’re ready to pick when they’re fully red and come away from the plant easily. Strawberries won’t ripen further once they’re picked, so don’t be tempted to harvest them too early!

What do I do with strawberry plants at the end of the season?

Once your plants have finished fruiting, cut back the foliage to about 10cm from the ground to encourage new growth the following year and add a new layer of mulch to protect the roots from winter frosts. For more pruning tips, read our growers’ guide.

Can I grow strawberries in containers?

Strawberries are perfect for growing in pots, hanging baskets, grow bags - you name it. Make sure whatever container you use has good drainage holes. Use a good quality compost and water them often, as plants in pots dry out quicker than those in the ground.

How do I propagate strawberry plants?

Strawberries are easy to propagate. Once they’ve finished fruiting, they produce long, thin stems called runners which can be planted in a new pot or bed to produce more plants. Peg the runners down to help the new plant root (hair pins are good for this) then when they’ve produced their own roots and started to grow, you can cut the runner and plant them where you want them. For more advice, read our complete guide to growing strawberries.

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