When your garden needs colour, fragrance and plenty of both, flowering climbing plants are the answer! They’ll cover a boring fence in a flash, scent your seating area, turn your pergola into a vibrant canopy or take your patio pots to another level. Our grower Mollie chooses only the best performing and strongest flowering plants, including jasmine, clematis, roses and wisteria, to guarantee long lasting, beautiful results in your garden. With spring, summer and winter flowering varieties, your vertical spaces can bloom all year round.
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Climbers grown by specialists at the height of their game
What does it take to grow the strongest and best climbing plants in the show tent? Organic fertilisers, natural pest control and years of dedication from Mollie, our expert grower in Worcestershire. Professionally pruned and checked by hand, they’re guaranteed to put on a gold standard display in your garden, too.
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The benefits of flowering climbers
The major plus point of flowering climbing plants is, unsurprisingly, their blooms! There are so many wonderful flowering climbers out there, from honeysuckles to clematises, from passion flowers to wisterias. With flower forms ranging from pendulous racemes to bugle-shaped blooms, there’s a flowering climber out there with your name on it. Many of these flowering climbers also produce attractive ornamental fruits and lush foliage, boast fabulous fragrances and attract a wealth of beneficial pollinating insects like bees and butterflies.
Some of our favourite flowering climbers
Asking us to pick our favourite flowering climbers is a bit like asking a parent to pick their favourite child. But pick we shall… On the wisteria front, it’s got to be Wisteria floribunda 'Macrobotrys' with its metre-long hanging sprays. Passiflora ‘Snow Queen’ is our passion flower pick, boasting dazzling snowy blooms with a lovely fragrance. 'Josephine (Evijohill)' takes the clematis crown, thanks to its feathery double flowers. Finally, Hall’s Japanese honeysuckle just edges out the other Loniceras, its scented flaxen-yellow flowers produced alongside lovely evergreen foliage. That’s just our subjective opinion, however – we’ve got a huge number of other fantastic flowering climbing plants for you to peruse.
Caring for flowering climbers
While care requirements for individual flowering climbers varies from species to species, there are some general rules of thumb you can bear in mind. Firstly, bear in mind that plants grown in the lee of a wall or fence might experience the ‘rain shadow’ effect and therefore require more regular watering than plants in an open bed or border. Likewise, container-grown climbers will need more routine watering than ground-grown counterparts. Mulch your climber after planting and tie it into its support using soft ties or garden twine.