Pond Snails
Pond Snails are essential pond wildlife for cleaning pond water, consuming nuisance algae and dead plant foliage. Aquatic snails breathe through their skin and gills, improving oxygen balance in pond water, and these underwater snail species won’t munch through your treasured pond plants. Ramshorn Snails are usually found at the sides of ponds whereas Japanese Trapdoor Snails tend to live on the pond floor, and have patterned, whorled shells and an operculum shell ‘door’ behind which they can protect themselves from dehydration and predators.
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Meet Caroline
A deep dive into sustainable gardening
Nestled amongst wildlife meadows and resident ducks, Caroline’s award winning pond plant nursery in Enfield has been making a splash since 1965, when they invented the (recycled, obvs) aquatic basket. Sixty years and multiple RHS gold medals later, they’re still surprising us with new varieties every year!