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Tree Gift Ideas: Birth Trees & More

Tree Gift Ideas: Birth Trees & More
Tree Gift Ideas: Birth Trees & More

Trees have a deep, well-rooted (pun intended) link to life and its various stages, from the tree of life in the Bible to the world tree, Yggdrasil, in Norse mythology. Here in the mortal realm, trees can also make a great gift for life’s assortment of occasions, from birth trees to memorial trees, and much more besides. In this post, we’ll be looking at various tree gift ideas, including why trees make such good gifts, as well as the ideal trees for different events.

Why trees make a perfect gift

There are many reasons why a tree makes a good gift. For one, they can be highly symbolic and reflective of the occasion in question. Take birth trees, for example, which grow as the child the tree is dedicated to does.

Another reason is that they provide ongoing appeal. Sure, a chocolate box is nice but you’ll be done with it in a matter of days (or hours if you’re anything like me). A tree, by comparison, provided it’s healthy, should last a lifetime. Finally, gifting a tree is altruistic in more ways than one. Not only are you giving something to someone you care about, you’re making a positive environmental impact in doing so.

Trees for different occasions

There are some trees which make universally good gifts, like citrus trees for instance (save for perhaps as memorial trees – these sunny plants might not match the mood in that case). While other trees, by comparison, are good for specific occasions. Willow, for instance, can be gifted alongside pottery as a ninth wedding anniversary gift.

Birth trees

There are many ways you can go about choosing a birth tree to mark the arrival of a child into the world. You could, for instance, choose a tree whose main seasonal interest lines up with that of the birth date. If the baby is born in December, for example, then choosing something like Prunus subhirtella 'Autumnalis' could be a really good pick; it’s a cherry blossom (which means you’re already onto a good thing) that blooms between November and March.

Alternatively, you could pick a fast-growing tree. Why, we hear you ask? Well, some trees take between 20 and 50 years to reach their full height, while other, faster-growing trees (like hazels) can reach maturity in a matter of years, giving you a growth pattern that’s more reflective of the child’s. In other words, the tree grows as the child does. It’s a lovely bit of symbolism and something that the child too can learn to appreciate as they get older.

Hazel Tree

Celtic Tree Calendar

The Celts, like the Chinese, had a zodiac, but unlike the latter, who partitioned the year into 12 different animals, the Celts split the calendar up into 12 separate plants (predominantly trees). Each plant has significant symbolic value and could be a nice thing to plant when a child is born. For instance, if you were born on January 10, then your Celtic tree would be the birch – this person would be thought to be ambitious and driven. Check out the Tree Council of Ireland’s guide to Celtic tree astrology for a breakdown of the traits inherent to each period and tree.



January 21 to February 17


February 18 to March 17


March 18 to April 14


April 15 to May 12


May 13 to June 9


June 10 to July 7


July 8 to August 4


August 5 to September 1


September 2 to September 29


September 30 to October 27


October 28 to November 24


November 25 to December 23


December 24 to January 20


Tree fact: in some cultures, like Cameroon’s Bamiléké population, for instance, the baby’s umbilical cord is buried under a tree where their ancestors came from to extend a link to their past.

Wedding trees

Some trees just have the perfect variety names for certain occasions, and weddings are somewhere that this is most prominent. Just looking at cherry blossoms, for instance, and you find a couple of stunning varieties with suitably marital names – ‘The Bride’ and ‘Blushing Bride’.

Cherry Blossom Tree

Anniversary trees

We’ve already touched upon willow trees being traditional ninth wedding anniversary gifts, but if you really do well and make it to 80 years together, then this is your oak anniversary. You can also get a bit creative with your anniversary gifts; the material for 35 years together is coral, so for this you could get a coral bark maple. Or if you want to celebrate 13 years together – the material for which is lace – you could consider the ‘Chinese Lace’ rowan.

Willow Tree

Memorial trees

Gifting a tree can be an incredibly thoughtful gesture, not only in good times but during harder periods, too. A memorial tree is a lovely way to remember a dearly departed loved one, and provides a natural and tactile point of remembrance if visiting a grave is too painful. Good options for memorial trees include amelanchiers, for their seasonal interest, apple trees, for their symbolism – they are thought to represent the idea of rebirth – and cypress trees, which have long been associated with mourning.

Cypress Tree

Valentine’s trees

Roses are cool and everything, but how about an entire tree? If you really want to impress your other half and showcase your dedication, then opting for a tree is a great idea. We think cherry blossoms (or any blossom tree for that matter) are hard to beat, their showy flower clouds enough to put a smile on even the most stony-faced individual. You could also go for a lollipop (or ‘standard’) tree or a catalpa, which boasts heart-shaped leaves.


Mother’s and Father’s Day trees

Our parents are often the first people to instil a love of gardening within us, whether it be helping out with weeding, planting seeds or watering plants. Gifting them with a tree on Mother’s or Father’s Day, therefore, is an excellent way to give something back and say thank you for starting the gardening bug. We think magnolias, crabapples, acers and eucalyptuses typically hit the bullseye when it comes to gifting parents.

Magnolia Tree

Housewarming trees

In our view, one of the best presents you can give a friend or loved one when they move into a new home is a tree. Don’t worry, we’re not talking about some 20 metre treehemoth, we’re thinking more along the lines of a patio or small feature tree, which can grow in even the smallest of outdoor spaces. Our favourites have to be the four-seasons lemon, the ‘Kilmarnock’ willow and the adorable lollipop ‘Red Robin’ photinia. Maximum impact, minimum space.

Photinia 'Red Robin'

Final thoughts

There you have it! Whatever the occasion, and however grand you want to make your gesture, there’s a tree out there to fulfil that role. Make sure you check out our gift-wrapped trees if you want to elevate your gift even further. If you’re gifting someone who isn’t green-fingered and think they might need a bit of help when it comes to planting, send them this guide to planting a tree or direct them toward the video shown below.

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